
Dan Ryan is a commercial and technology lawyer with over 15 years’ high-level advisory and transactional experience in Asia.  He began his career working for leading international law firms (Baker & McKenzie, Freshfields, etc.) in their corporate, intellectual property and technology groups in Asia before moving to senior in-house roles. 

He has served on the boards of both publicly-listed multinationals as well as fast-moving internet start-ups.

Prior to establishing Serica Services, Mr Ryan served as the General Counsel to a technology company that provided software-as-a-service solutions to some of the world’s biggest players in the financial industry. In addition to being responsible for all the legal issues for the group and its offices in London, New York, Zug, and Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Mr Ryan was also a director of several of these companies including the China entities

Mr Ryan is actively involved in public policy matters in Asia. Unlike many law firms and other advisors in the region, who too often act as cheerleaders for new regulatory schemes regardless of their economic or social merits, Mr Ryan is known for his skeptical and economically-literate analysis of much of the new waves of regulation that has expanded across the region in recent years. 

He sits on the board of Hong Kong’s leading free market think tank, The Lion Rock Institute, and has close connections to similar think tanks as well as policy makers and government officials across the region. He regularly contributes to key publications including The Wall Street Journal, The AustralianThe South China Morning PostSingapore and Hong Kong Business and The Australian Financial Review

Mr Ryan is an alumnus of the Australian National University and graduated with distinction gaining degrees in both Law and Asian Studies. He also studied law at The People’s University of Beijing, Xiamen University and Shanghai’s East China University of Politics and Law.

He speaks and reads Mandarin Chinese. 



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